Posts in Leadership
The Leader Who Felt Too Much

The point is that our co-workers are often like our neighbors. When we move into a building or to a new house, we pretty much take what we get. Some neighbors are great, some are dripping with gossip and meanness and others just keep to themselves. Only very rarely do best friends join the same company, advance together, nurture and support each other.

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The Executive Leader in Free Fall

The executive was distraught. He had taken the afternoon off in part, to collect his thoughts. He told me he “saw the end in sight.” Thank goodness he was not referring to his health, but to his career. His company was going “belly-up.” He had given them close to 15 years which in this day and age was impressive. To make matters worse, his industry was dying. He was a man with huge responsibilities. He had no idea what he was going to do.

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We are Aware of The Problem

When leadership or personnel problems occur in a corporate or entrepreneurial organization, almost always someone, some manager or some department is acutely aware that something is wrong. The deeper issue is not that people within the organization were clueless as to whether a problem existed, but why nothing was done.

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Nurturing Executive Development is a Heartfelt Decision

Ironically, we are living in an age where customers, whether industrial, service-oriented or consumers are demanding more of organizations, not less. Though many organizations view customers through a digital lens, consumers are not computers but people. People are using computers, true enough, but they have the platforms to rate, to comment, to recommend or critique inadequate performance or experiences.

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Leadership, FocusSuper Square
What I Learned Outside a Diner

As it was early in the morning I decided to take a chance and park in the diner’s parking lot, dash across the street, get my cavity filled run back and be on my way. As I was leaving my car I thought I heard a voice shout at me. I initially ignored it then the voice grew louder. It was the owner. He yelled at me that the lot was for customers only, and that I should find a space on the street. He didn’t recognize me.

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The Shape of Water and the Weight of Leadership

What exactly is the weight of leadership? Furthermore, is the weight always the same? There is no correct answer to either question. The weight of leadership is, of course, a figure of speech. The executive leader or entrepreneur may, at any given time, have 100 challenges all juggling in the air. Some may be minor, others major and sometimes, the minor becomes a major. The weight of leadership is so described because the executive leader is always pictured as being alone, with essentially no counsel and no guideposts.

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LeadershipSuper Square
Why Every Executive Should Wander

We have all known executives who are aimless in their decision making. It is almost an act of desperation. In an effort to please everyone and to accommodate everyone (the ultimate reaction), they will agree to most everything to keep the peace, their jobs and to remain everyone’s friend.

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